Company “Bulgnais” was created in 2000 year with main object of activities – research, extraction and trading with “Gnais” in territory of Kolibkovo village, Ivailovgrad municipality.
Based on send request to Ministry of Environment and Water – Sofia, they receive permission – 78/12.01.2001 for search and research from Ministry of Environment and Water. Research period continues to 12 September 2002 year.
On 22 of January 2003 year they defense of a permission (NB-7/22.01.2003) to extract “Gnais” to extent of 390 000 m3 from specialized expert commission belonging to Ministry of Environment and Water – Sofia.
Gneiss – gneiss lining material from the company Bulgnais from Ivaylovgrad

Defense of a permission NB-7/22.01.2003
On 22 of January 2003 year they defense of a permission (NB-7/22.01.2003) to extract “Gnais” to extent of 390 000 m3 from specialized expert commission belonging to Ministry of Environment and Water – Sofia.Based on obtained permission and clause 29 from ZPB, “Bulgnais” receive certificate from Minister for Environment and Water (0077/09.04.2003) to be defined as concessionaire in orders of extraction and trade “Bulgnais” owns certificate ISO 9002 (207186 LRQA) and written statement (6.2-2.3324/27.09.2002) received from “Evrotest Kontrol” JSC – Sofia.

Obtaining a gneiss mining concession
On 01.07.2003 “Bulgnais” sent request to Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works – town of Sofia to obtain concession for extraction of rock-revert materials. With resolution (805/28.11.2006) from a Council of Ministers of Bulgaria, “Bulgnais” receive concession for extraction of rock-revert materials.
You can view our certificates in section BDS EN 1341
What the Gneiss is used for?
Gneiss is used for pavement and dressing, its main qualities are its natural origin and exceptional wear resistance. Gneiss stone is preferred by many builders. Another quality of gneiss is the frost resistance and generally the low influence of temperature differences, which is a problem for all artificial finishes.
The harvested gneiss from Bulgnais is sold both in natural form - unformed polygons and after processing. Apart from lining and flooring, the gneiss stone can be used for masonry and decoration. The good qualities of gneiss and its natural origin make it a favorite of the busy entrepreneurs in recent years.